Sunday, 12 July 2020

can astrology predict the future ?

Can astrology predict the future?

In general, almost all people accept the effect of the sun and the moon, because the consequence of day and night and the change in weather with respect to the sun is caused regularly. Some particular creatures like turtles and fishes etc. lay their eggs in a specific season, In big trees there expansion is caused proportionately to an explosion in the solar sphere. 

Planets and Animals

Cats and dogs get excited only in specific months, some flowers bloom only after sunrise and fade up by sunset and on the other hand, some others bloom in the evening, the period between Mar15 to Apr. 15 is known as the autumn season When almost all the trees become leafless and new leaves take their place. 

During the period of sun and moon eclipses unexpected peace gets s prevailed in forests, monkeys descend from trees and keep quiet as hermits during total sun eclipse chattering of birds also become pacified.

can astrology predict the future

Effect of Moon

This effect is observed in almost all creatures, trees, and herbs. Sea and the earth are also influenced by the specific position of the moon. Particular flowers get blossomed in the moonlit night only. The Chakwa birds are almost entirely dedicated to the Moon. The eyesight of a cat gets opened just proportionate to the lighted part of the moon. 

During the full moon night or new moon night, the huge tides occur in seas and during the Ashtami, only the small tides generate. Similarly, the lunatic people get mentally unbalanced during the full moon night, and owing to this reason psychiatric or mental patients are admitted in the mental hospital proportionately more in number.

Planets and Nature

During the full moon period, blood circulation occurs more freely. In this very respect, I want to add up some more feeling of mine, Some people get restless respectively during the new moon nights, during the full moon day and the new moon day and even during some nearby period, If a planet gets stationary, then the probability of earthquakes increases. 

If Venus combines Jupiter and they are in close relation to each other then sea cyclones and heavy rainfall is caused.

can astrology predict the future

can astrology predict the future?

On taking care of the above facts, no suspicion should take place in anyone’s mind regarding the effect of the solar bodies and the open space as well. But it is found so that as in some newspapers and journals, it is seen that the folk easily accept the influence of the sun and the moon, but it is not easy for them to admit the effects of other solar bodies. 

In this respect, they think that how the object's crores of miles far from the earth can influence us. If any astrologer asked by them to prove obviously and instantly such influence, then it becomes tediously a tough task. Hence, the respective suspicion remains unabated. 

Hence, in this respect, I want to describe only those facts through which the effects of planets over human life can be shown openly. Hence, on analyzing almost 40,000 horoscopes patiently, I want to narrate my fifty years of astrological experiences in the next few posts.

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